Pedestrian Bridge, Arkansas River, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Services Performed

Enlarged Pool Area
Enjoy your amenities instead of managing the amenities.

Professional Management Services Provided
by Collins & Associates, Inc. to Homeowner Associations

We often have inquiries as to what a management company provides for a Homeowners Association. Although it is difficult to include everything, the following will list some of the many services provided by Collins & Associates to your property. If you have further questions, please call us at (918) 524-3833.

  • Receive, respond, review, all complaints, requests and questions regarding property on a 24 hour / 7 days a week basis.
  • Develop a master management plan
  • Generate annual operating budget
  • Provide detailed monthly financial reports to the Board of Directors
  • Foresee and plan for capital improvements and repairs
  • Prepare specifications and obtain competitive bids for contract services
  • Bill and collect dues from owners
  • Process all accounts payable and receivable
  • Process all 1099’s for all contractors and sub-contractors
  • Annual audits of vendors licenses, workers compensation verification and general liability insurance coverage
  • Pay and maintain the rights to Yardi, the property software used to track accounts receivable, payable and work orders
  • Communicate with and collect delinquent accounts
  • Provide all information for tax return preparation
  • Obtain master insurance policy for Association assets
  • Monitor service and maintenance programs for cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction
  • Provide dependable maintenance personnel as needed
  • Coordinate and oversee improvements
  • Provide assistance in audit preparation if necessary
  • Direct assistance by corporate staff for handling of any major disaster impacting the property (fire, flood, etc.)
  • Develop a relationship of trust with the Board, owners, vendors and contractors
  • Prepare all Board Meeting Documents
  • Prepare all Annual Meeting Documents
  • Assist Board of Directors with all meetings
  • Assist Board with Bylaw Requirements
  • Assist Board with the enforcement of the restrictive covenants of the development as per the Board of Directors
  • Communicate/Coordinate with the Developer
  • Provide experience and expertise of corporate officers, i.e. Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer/CPA and Senior Property Manager, CMCA
  • Maintain membership in industry organizations to demonstrate credibility in the HOA management field i.e. CAI (Community Association Institute)
  • Other directives requested by the Board of Directors
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John Landers

“Working with Collins and Associates has been a real pleasure for us at FoxBriar. I would highly recommend their services to any neighborhood group or business.”


John Landers The Oaks at Foxbriar HOA president October 27, 2016

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Bill Warnock

“The Wenmoor HOA has used Collins & Associates since 2010 to manage all of our day to day issues and to take care of all of our accounting issues (reviewing and paying invoices, billing homeowners for dues and special assessments as necessary, communicating with the homeowners through letters and emails, and preparing monthly financials and annual budgets for review by the treasurer and board). We have found them to be reliable, trustworthy, proactive, and dependable in every facet of the HOA property management business. I especially appreciate Collins’ willingness to work with our HOA board to meet our specific needs as they arise, even when our issue(s) are different than perhaps they have experienced with other HOA’s.”

Bill Warnock Treasurer – Wenmoor HOA Board October 27, 2016