Pedestrian Bridge, Arkansas River, Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Collins Approach

Entrance With Guard Shack
Maintaining gates are essential for homeowner’s security.

At Collins & Associates, we understand that an asset owner has three main concerns:

  1. Create a return on investment for the owner.
  2. Maintain and improve the value of the asset.
  3. Provide a quality environment for the tenant.

Each one of these goals must be a part of the master plan and each goal must be considered every day in every operation or procedure. Below is a list of the functions that we perform that enable us to successfully balance all of these concerns.

  • Develop a master management plan
  • Generate annual operating budgets
  • Deliver detailed owner financial reports
  • Foresee and plan for capital improvements and repairs
  • Prepare specifications and obtain competitive bids for contract services
  • Insure accurate dues billing and collections, including escalations and special assessments
  • Monitor service and maintenance programs for cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction
  • Provide dependable maintenance personnel for daily operations
  • Coordinate and oversee capital improvements
  • Develop a relationship of trust with developers, builders, owners, residents and vendors

With our approach as a team of professionals with goals that benefit the owner and its assets, we feel the history of our success sets Collins & Associates apart as a unique management force in the Oklahoma market and beyond.

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Jack Coursey

“New Bedford II, III, & Extended Home Owners Association has been doing business with Collins & Associates since 2006. As a board member and having served on the board for years, I have been intimately aware of how they manage our HOA business. First and foremost they have been extremely professional in conducting business on our behalf. They handle the day-to-day issues, they interface with the vendors for equipment and services as well as manage our accounting functions. As issues arise, they are fielded and if necessary, they get the board involved to resolve any outstanding problems. Collins and Associates works well with our residents and HOA board.”

Jack Coursey October 27, 2016